Invitation to join the Women Retention Pledge
1 in 4 women are considering downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce entirely because COVID-19 has intensified work, childcare, and housework pressures. Companies are at risk of losing women in leadership. However, women add unique and essential value to corporates. Gender diversity benefits all businesses because of a wider talent pool. An inclusive workforce can also be an attribute of strong performance. If you want to retain female talents, please join us to sign the Women Retention Pledge, and commit to increasing gender diversity in the workplace.
In collaboration with JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes and Hong Kong Momtrepreneurs, Womentors is proud to be the Sustainability Partner of “Stand by Moms, Always” to call for all companies in Hong Kong to sign to sign the Women Retention Pledge, and commit to increasing gender diversity in the workplace.
More than 60 companies joined us and signed up the pledge on our pledge signing ceremony on July 22, 2021. On that day, we also announced the survey results of "How Child Birth affects employment and career progression of women in Hong Kong". To know more about the event, please visit our blog.
We are still opening the pledge and need your support, so please sign up and take action now!
Providing flexible working hours
Flexitime allows moms to strike a balance between work and personal life, resulting in increased productivity and performance.
Allow employees to clock in at 10a.m. after dropping off children at school.
Allow employees to go home at 6p.m. to join dinner with children. They can continue to check and reply emails after their children go to bed.
Listening and communicating openly and with empathy.
Management leading with empathy and trust encourages employee loyalty to the company.
Direct manager can set up a 10-minute daily huddle to check-in with team. Topics can be anything. Main purpose is to maintain an open, spontaneous, informal dialogue.
Offering a “Phase Back Programme” for new moms.
Caring for a new-born always deprives mothers of sleep, especially those who choose breastfeeding.
Offers an additional three months post-maternity work from home option, alongside a ‘Phase Back Programme’ to ease the transition back to work with a reduced work hour of 40% for 30 days.
Launching Returnship / Return-to-Work Program
Women take a career break at some point in their lives. Gap in a resume does not mean a gap in talent.
Introduce blind recruitment process. Consider “stay-at-home mom” as a job title.
Assign a buddy, offer extra training, nurturing, and mentorship to help Returners reacquaint themselves with the workplace.
Providing part-time jobs for moms
Moms can work around their family schedules while company can maintain a pipeline of female talent.
Split one permanent role into 2 part-time roles, rather than losing a talent.
Offer benefits, health insurance or paid time off same as full-timers but on a pro-rata basis.