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Make your presence right on Linkedln
Make your presence right on Linkedln



21/F, Greatmany Centre, 109-115 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Make your presence right on Linkedln

Everyone has a LinkedIn, but - What is the image you want to build on LinkedIn? - How to stand out among others? - What are some tips to connect professionally? - What details should be included? Come and learn over coffee/tea for $150/person.

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2021年5月05日 上午10:00 – 上午11:30

21/F, Greatmany Centre, 109-115 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong


In this monthly gathering we are going to share all the practical tips on how to upgrade your LinkedIn profile so it stands out from others.   Join this event for a chilled time to learn over coffee and tea.

5% of the profit will be donated to Moms4Moms Fellowship Program by Hong Kong Momtrepreneurs to empower margainzlied mothers to learn more about entrepreneruship.


利潤的 5% 將捐贈給香港媽媽創業者的 Moms4Moms Fellowship Program ,以幫助有利潤的媽媽們更多地了解創業。

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    2021年5月05日 上午10:00 – 上午11:30
    21/F, Greatmany Centre, 109-115 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
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    21/F, Greatmany Centre, 109-115 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
    Everyone has a LinkedIn, but - What is the image you want to build on LinkedIn? - How to stand out among others? - What are some tips to connect professionally? - What details should be included? Come and learn over coffee/tea for $150/person.
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